Unite Executive Elections

The elections for the new Executive Council of Unite took place in March 2008. There are two seats for the Amicus Health sector.

A meeting of left-wing health sector activists, at the beginning of October, decided to support Frank Wood and me as candidates.

Frank is a Biomedical Scientist and a member of the Union’s Health Sector National Committee.

Both Frank and I were elected in the ballot. I would like to thank everyone who supported us. I will do my best to represent all our members in Health over the next three years, as well as representing the interests of the union’s members as a whole.

I am leaving below the links to the material we produced during our election campaign. I hope it can be used by members to judge whether or not we are delivering on our promises.

Unite Executive Council Election 2008

Nominations for candidates have to be made by reps and shop stewards during November and December 2007. Frank and I have produced a joint letter requesting nominations. It explains why we are standing, and provides additional biographical details.

Request for Nominations

We have now both been nominated and accepted our nominations. Thank you to all those reps that nominated Frank and myself.

I have prepared a statement which will be going out with the ballot papers in March. You can read it from the link below.

Gill George’s Election Statement

The Amicus Unity Gazette, a broad left group within the Union, have produced a leaflet supporting Frank and myself. Please download it.

Gazette Election Leaflet

I have also produced two additional election leaflets that can be downloaded and, if you wish, distributed:

Gill George General Leaflet

Gill George CPHVA Leaflet

If you would like to help me in my campaign, or just to ask me a question, you can email me at gill@ghg.me.uk

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